Quake cannon craters!

Quake cannon craters!

Via imgurDon't forget to checkout the void shield generator to!http://40kwarzone.blogspot.com.au/2014/03/void-shield-generator-pic.html
Dealing with hobby fatigue.

Dealing with hobby fatigue.

Hobby fatigue is something everyone can relate to. For me, it comes along when I spend too much time painting the same unit, and currently I'm suffering from it big time.So it seems I've been painting my unit of silver helms endlessly for the past few weeks. This...
Dwarf Organ Guns are…….awesome.

Dwarf Organ Guns are…….awesome.

  Okay, so we tried out the new dwarves last night. Luckily, stone throwers aren't as broken as they used to be. However, the organ gun has become more deadly.My organ guns were exactly the same except for one having a rune of burning. Master engineer + rune...