40k Conquest review

40k Conquest review

Conquest is here! The latest 40k related released from Fantasy Flight Games has landed into stores and has begun to suck up our sweet gaming money. Let me start out by saying that the game is GREAT. Here is why: There is no doubt that the 40k fluff is one of the...
X-Wing Rebel Aces – Keyen Farlander is the man!

X-Wing Rebel Aces – Keyen Farlander is the man!

Rebel Aces was released last week, and what a set it is.There is no doubt that the big card of this release is Keyen Farlander. Being able to use stress as a focus token when attacking is insane....so how do we take advantage of this? By running the...
FIrst look at Dark Eldar, round 3!

FIrst look at Dark Eldar, round 3!

Round three!Alright, so now I have just been looking at the special items page.....The animus vitae is now pretty damn good. Upgrading everyone to the next pain token level is almost a must. I feel this combos extremely well with Doom (obviously). Being str4 seems...
First look at the DE codex, round 2.

First look at the DE codex, round 2.

Alright my next round of thoughts:Reavers.....well at first I thought to myself that I would never be seeing them used again.....until I saw their points drop. Okay, so we have lost the D3 hits when we turbo boost, but it's not all bad. Something else I haven't seen...
First look at the Dark Eldar Codex.

First look at the Dark Eldar Codex.

So, it's not the end of the world! As with most codex releases, there is a HUGE blow out of it "being rubbish" before we even get the book. Well, while we have lost a lot of cool things, the book isn't half bad.First of all......let me explain that I won't be...