Talking about the Dark Eldar release #1

Talking about the Dark Eldar release #1

Wow, what a week it has been with Dark Eldar news! I’ve been away on holidays for the past two weeks (hence the silence), but I am back in action as of today. Let’s talk Dark Eldar again....The rumours, if you haven’t been seeing them, point towards Dark Eldar getting...
Wracks and Dark Eldar Leaks

Wracks and Dark Eldar Leaks

Hells yeah! The Covens are back in style. Obviously we can all tell that little work has gone into the Wracks.....but they didn't really need an update anyway. The absolute coolest thing about this release (so far) is the ability to pimp out the raiders with...
How to Play 40k Conquest – Video

How to Play 40k Conquest – Video

ALRIGHT, well this is what we really have been waiting for.....a proper video explaining how this game plays: are still a few weeks out from this, but most of us are pretty psyched!
X-Wing Tournament Report

X-Wing Tournament Report

What a weekend! TommyH and I attended a 100 point X-Wing tournament down here in Sydney. It was a great day with 15 players in total (that is great for X-Wing). Here was what I took:Rookie Pilot - 21Rookie Pilot - 21Rookie Pilot - 21Bandit Squadron - 12Bandit Squadron...
The Hobbit: My list for next week.

The Hobbit: My list for next week.

Alright, so it's been a few months since we have had some Hobbit action! Well, for once we are the ones attending, rather than hosting a LOTR tournament. It's four games with an escalating format. You start out with 300 points, and increase in 450 point increments....