by CylonDave | Jul 25, 2011
This is my second part to the Termagant force. This time all the little buggers have Spinefist. While not as effective as before give them the poison upgrade and an alpha warrior with the same load out and watch your enemies drop like flies. Who is going to say no to...
by CylonDave | Jul 19, 2011
Time for a little Nid update. This time we continue adding more troops to the army. The swarm of Termagants joins the hive army. These guys are a great meat shield for all the other forces out there in the army, they lead the charge and with so many on the table it is...
by CylonDave | Jun 27, 2011
Time for a little side project, the Alpha Warrior idea came to me when I was using my spinegant brood in a game. Why not create an alpha warrior that would give this unit superior ballistic skill and make it twin linked. Enter this guy who was a refugee from my many...
by CylonDave | Jun 23, 2011
Did someone say we need some troops? Ask and ye shall receive...I have finished most of the needed troops for my new army. 2 squads of Trueborn Warriors and 3 squads of regular troops. The incbi are still in the painting stage, once they are done I will post new...
by CylonDave | Jun 20, 2011
A former creation from the last edition codex transplanted to this current one. The Tusker was a nasty anti-armor beast, and still is with crusher claws and tusk. A bit more diminished now but the model was still a lot of fun to build and paint with all the nasty...