Tyranids: Ripper Swarms

Now that's a Ripper Swarm!!! When I first started collecting this army, I never thought about using ripper swarms, mostly because there were other better choices and modeling 3 rippers on a base didn't seem like a swarm to me. Then Forge World went and created these...

Update: Hive Fleet Eclipse

Well it's a whole new month, and last month was a great success when it came to this army, I was able to paint and finish a full legal army technically. So with coming out of a month like May, I am going to take it easy and push to get more of the smaller bugs that...

The Dark Eldar Experiment (Part 2)

Time to shift gears you might say. With last month being filled with nid goodness, I picked up a few boxes of Dark Eldar warriors to build up on a running thought I had for a future army. These 4 squads will join my already finished squad for troop choices. All armed...

Tyranids: Broodlord and Genestealers

We end the month on a rip and shred theme. Genestealers! The iconic elite tyranids of the army. I guess now that I have finished these guys I now have a legal fully painted and based army. Heh! A good size brood of 14 stealers along with a broodlord leading them, this...