Eowyn Ft & Mtd

Eowyn Ft & Mtd

Another commission piece for the Great British Hobbit league (GBHL) this time its Eowyn Ft and Mtd.  Had fun with this one.  More chance to practice with blue/white NMM.  Similar end result as the last attempt at this incredibly hard technique...
Beorn & Bear

Beorn & Bear

I attended the GBHL Desolation of Stockport Hobbit SBG tournament at the weekend and would just like to say, what a fantastic 3 days it was.  Congratulations to the organizers James and Jamie who did an awesome job in both organizing and running the event itself...
Elladan & Elrohir Ft / Mtd

Elladan & Elrohir Ft / Mtd

Busy week leading up to the Desolation of Stockport tournament run by the Great British Hobbit leagues James and Jamie.  As Shadow and Flame are now proud sponsors of the GBHL I was asked to paint up a few models for the guys to use in their battle reports. The...
Beorn (Part 1)

Beorn (Part 1)

Another quick model.  Really have to step up the pace with the paint jobs now, so much to do so little time.  Working towards having Elladan & Elrohir Ft & Mtd completed for the GBHL  guys to take with me to their tournament in Stockport...
Legolas & Tauriel

Legolas & Tauriel

Had to take a quick break from the Rivendell Army to catch up on a few other commissions.  Two of which are Legolas and Tauriel.  I have to say that these new plastic sculpts are outstanding pieces.  I will retake the pictures tomorrow as I am not happy...