Secret Weapon bases are in!!!!

So yes, my bases arrived yesterday afternoon, and as soon as the kid went to bed last night and I had free time, I stayed up until 3am working on getting my Cygnar models based.  I have to say, these bases are easily the best I have ever worked with.  The...

Quick Death Guard Update

I'm sick so this will be quick, but here is where these guys stand.  I'm considering calling this enough, so take these as finished.  I did the bases yesterday, and they came out fairly well.  Anyways, here is the rest. So the picture is fairly shitty,...

Finally, an actual update!

Okay, so it has been a while since I have put anything up here other than links to my eBay sales and excuses, so he we go!  Right now I am finished painting my Cygnar stuff that I have, I am nearing completion on a squad and a dread for my Death Guard, I have...