Often over looked tool in my work space

Yes, Woodland Scenics Latex Rubber is a God send, although it does smell fairly awful.  I use it for masking things on about 3/4 of my projects, and the best part is that a jar of it lasts a LONGGGGGGGGGG time when you're using it for modeling.  I slap it...

Check out this game, Invicta

A good friend of mine has been working on a RTS called Invicta.  It's set in a Sci-Fi universe, and allows users to switch between RTS and First Person Shooter as they want.  It still has a ways to go, but is a LONG way past where he started.  Check out...

Horus Heresy: Drop Assault launched yesterday on Android

I've been following this game on Facebook for a while now, and a few of my friends had it on their iPhones (since it launched early on the iTunes store), so I was pretty excited when I got an email yesterdat stating that it had finally launched on Android.  I...

So what have I been up to?

Wasting away in Diablo 3, as well as World of Warcraft and Heroes of the Storm.  Blizzard somehow has a strangle hold on me to where I have to play all of their crack all the time (except Hearthstone, because if I wanted to buy cards nonstop to win, I'd play...

Under Construction, pardon my dust

So yes, I haven't posted in a while.  A lot has changed in the last two years or so.  I've become burnt out on playing wargames in general, but I still collect and paint.  I also play a lot of games on my computer, because I'm a nerd. I've thought about...