Well, I’m not dead…

Well, I’m not dead…

So as the title says, I'm actually not dead.  I do think that it is a little ironic that I posted that my wife may kill me, and then went silent for about 8 months, but it was purely unintended irony.  I had a sort of sudden falling out with the hobby, and I...
So Apocalypse showed up…and now I’m broke

So Apocalypse showed up…and now I’m broke

So the new Apocalypse is soon to be upon us, and I went on a spending spree of epic proportions!  For starters, I ordered the following new items:The Apocalypse Collectors Edition1 Khorne Lord of Skulls1 set of the new templates1 set of the AdMech dice, the 125...
I fixed the board somewhat…

I fixed the board somewhat…

So here is what the board looks like now that I fixed it.  I'm happier with this than I am with how the train wreck prior came out, but still angry, haha.  I added some grass clumps sporadically around, and I have some leaves from Secret Weapon Miniatures as...
So, being impatient is a bad idea

So, being impatient is a bad idea

So I am working on a display board, and I was gonna wait until it was mostly done before posting any pictures.  Mostly done came yesterday, and I got done using about $40 worth of pigments to make the dirt look real.  I was sooooooo excited that I instantly...