Memorial Day

It's that time of the year again where I get drunk and sappy.  I spent 8 years in the US Army, including 2 deployments.  I lost a lot of good friends, so this holiday brings up a whole slew of crazy emotions.  Anyways, I have actual stuff to post, but...
Warhammer 40k Battle Royal!

Warhammer 40k Battle Royal!

So last night I ran a free event at my store which we called a Battle Royal.  We played on a 3' x 3' Zone Mortalis board (that I have yet to paint...), and we had 5 people show up.  Everyone brought 1 HQ choice, no special characters, no wargear that has the...

Played with some Tau today…

And holy broken, haha!  I ran a 1500 point list that ran roughly like the following:Daemons w/ Tau Allies:Herald of NurgleHerald of Nurgle20x Plaguebearers9x NurglingsSoul Grinder w/ Mark of NurgleCommander Farsight12 Fire WarriorsRiptideSun Shark...
50k page views finally!

50k page views finally!

So yes, I hit 50k page views this morning, and to all of you out there, thank you so much!  I know I have been sporadic with my posting, but you guys keep me going!As for what I have been up to, I recently bought a Zone Mortalis board, and it is INCREDIBLE!...