by Damn The Valley | Jul 8, 2012
So I have finally sat down and hashed out the rules for this. I have played it in the past, and I know there is another blogger who wrote something similar, but I can't remember who. I used some inspiration from a Dakka Dakka post that google found, but...
by Damn The Valley | Jul 2, 2012
So the fires here in Colorado Springs have kept me occupied for the last week, as a very good friend of mine was forced to evacuate his home so I put him up in mine. I was busy playing the role of a good host, so I had literally no time to work on any of my...
by Damn The Valley | Jun 25, 2012
Stripping models! So yeah, priming and painting drunk may not be the best idea. My proof is my Cygnar army. I have about 30 some odd models that I am in the process of stripping and washing off. Tons of fun. When drunk, I screwed up in...
by Damn The Valley | Jun 22, 2012
So yes, I bought one of these last weekend, and I have been slaving away at it. I absolutely loveeeeeee the model, and I wasted no time painting it up in my Swamp theme that I am doing all of my Cygnar in. Anyways, more pictures and words below! So first...
by Damn The Valley | Jun 15, 2012
So to get the obvious out of the way, I haven't posted in over a month. Lots of things have been going on. Diablo 3 came out, and my damn near 250 hours of time played between my 3 60's shows that I no longer have a life... Also, I have been trying...