Mansions of Madness Core set Complete

Mansions of Madness Core set Complete

Mansions of Madness was one of those boardgames that sat around mostly completely painted for years before I finally sat down and finished it. The monsters were not as interesting to paint as I originally hoped. I varied the colors on the second wave of the better...
Blindwater Congregation Complete Army

Blindwater Congregation Complete Army

My Blindwater Congregation stands 99% completed! I have a few wreck markers and proxy feralgeists to clean up (and there are always new models on the horizon), but the main force is complete. I have a few empty base spots left over for expansions, so I might make some...

A Third Gator Wave

I have been busy with my Tau project for the last month and a half, but I found the enegry to follow it up with completing quite a bit of my Gators on my paint queue in only 2 or 3 weeks. Here is the state of my display base, things are getting a bit crowded now. Any...

Completed Desert Table Sees Some Action

So I never completed my 2012 challenge goals. As I am moving towards a new challenge to be unveiled on Sunday, I should really finish the previous ones off! The desert table has been complete for awhile, but it has been a matter of getting some pictures together to...

Gators Wave 2

My second wave of gators represented filling out choices that I did not have with my initial set. Adding in Rask as my likely caster to have with Barnabus, I wanted to get some of the non-gator elements ready. They all follow the theme of having lost their left eye's...