Alien Broodlords

Converting Broodlords to fit my Aliens-themed Tyranid list involved pinning, and secreted resin.Naturally, a secondary mouth-tongue was almost required modeling.  A bit of putty and a sculpting tool gave this mini some character: This mini was posed in a more...

Alien Queen / Swarmlord Detail

I am quite pleased with how the Alien Queen turned out.  Here are some close-up shots of the model, displaying the detail of the base embellishments.Here, you can see the details and markings on the power loader arm, painted-on.  Naturally, I made sure the...

Alien Tyrant Guard Conversion

Aliens-themed bodyguards with lash whips?  Easy.Starting with a few extra Tyranid warrior weapon arms and some copper wire, I drilled in the whips:Bending the wire and a tiny bit of putty, helped to to give the whips with a proper "probe" appearance:I used the...

Converted Tyranid Prime

An Alien Prime to help keep the swarm in order?  Weyland-Yutani would be impressed.The model I used as a basis for this Tyranid prime, is an Inquisitor-scale Genestealer.  I replaced the head with a Carnifex "acute senses" bit, with a Tyrgon...

Alien Color Recipe and Results

Here is the color treatment I used on the Aliens project I recently completed.  I hope this is of some use, if not to be copied, at least to be adapted:Prime black (P3 Black Spray Primer)Overbrush turquoise (GW brand Kabalite Green and Nurgling Green)Airbrush...