Aliens project complete.

Three thousand points, painted in four days.Above, you can see my Swarmlord stand-in.  Here are my objectives:From left to right, we have Ripley, Kane's Nostromo helmet, Newt, Jones the cat, and lastly a pile of pulse rifles.  Here is a brief glimpse of the...

They mostly come at night. Mostly.

Coffee-fueled hobby weekends can also bring the beasts into the light...As you can see in the pic above, I have made some serious progress on my Aliens army.  What started with some overzealous overbrushing,Took a sudden turn for the metallics,And before I knew...

To the Nostromo, from Hong Kong

We all like to get hugged, right?  And we all have faces, yes?When I was a kid, I was entranced by the Halcyon line of Alien themed model kits.  Sadly, dreams of a chest-burster themed mailbox were quickly jettisoned from the airlock at the sight of a $150...

Alien Color Test

With HR Giger's painting NYCII as inspiration, I have begun testing colors for the Aliens project.While this is not one of the paintings Giger used while designing the original "Alien" creature, I find the color depth and unique curved gloss elements to be...

Battle for Salvation GT 2012

It's time to get registered for the premiere GT event in the New York City area!The Battle for Salvation crew throw the best GT I know of.  From plenty of space for army displays and materials, to an absurdly generous heap of prizes, this is not an event to pass...