Huge Pile of Resin Alien Heads

Sanding, washing, clipping and cleaning.  Resin takes a slow hand.I spent the last few evenings knuckle-deep in resin dust.  Having finished cleaning the genestealer bodies and arms, I only had to prepare the resin components for the build stage.  With...

KR Multicase Report

I recently  conducted business with KR Multicase, and couldn't be happier.In preparing my "Aliens" themed army for transit, I decided to order a case from KR Multicase.  In dealing with the company, I found them to be extraordinary. Rather than fight...

Alien Queen Scale Test

The title of "Swarmlord" is gender neutral!Here is the Konami Alien Queen kit I plan on running as the swarmlord with my current "xenomorph" project.  I included the space marine to give a sense of scale to the pic.  While the model certainly is not WYSIWYG...

Trouble Brewing

Looks a bit like 120 Genestealers.Combined with a pile of resin "xenomorph" heads, custom Giger-style bases, and the airbrush that just arrived at my door, it certainly seems like something is happening.  It would be nice to greet the new rule set with a virgin...

Battle for Salvation 1 Day Event

The good people of Battle for Salvation, located in White Plains, NY, are holding a 1 day event on April 28th!  I am not sure if I can make it personally, which is a shame, as BFS events are run quite well.  Here is the release, as it was passed to me:The...