Vraksian Iron Warriors: Wrapping Up

A hobby filled weekend sees this project draw to a close.After some consultation, I worked with painter's tape to produce the hazard stripe effect I had been working on.  After applying the carefully measured tape to the sides of the tanks, I used a...

Caution: Stripes. Caution Stripes.

The most hazardous aspect of the Iron Warriors.Caution/Hazard stripes, are an iconic element of the Iron Warriors history, and I have put-off this step long enough.  Due to the location of these hazard stripes, painter's tape and the airbrush are unfortunately...

Vraks WIP: Reports from The Front

 The Iron Warriors learn a thing or two about weathering.The last few days have involved some serious weathering, of the acrylic variety.  Take a look at the side of this tank, and I'll reveal my recipe:My basic process for this effect, starts with black...

Dawn on Vraks

 The sun rises over the red soil of Vraks. Polyurethane cures, and three cans of Dulcote set the surface to a matte sheen.  Textured laytex paint, combined with masonite, is a fairly inexpensive, yet professional, gaming surface.  With all my...

Rogue Trader Chaos Dreadnought Conversion

 Lead GW sculpts from the 1980's, can be toxic to my aesthetic.As I completed the construction phase on this WH30k Vraksian CSM set, I found myself with a moral quandry.  The old RT Chaos Dreadnought was to serve as the core of my Dark Apotheosis Daemon...