Knee Deep in the Dead

Doomed to paint hundreds of chaos cannon fodder, the mind boggles.I find myself truly stuck-in with my current project. The flesh treatment has been applied across many different types of models.  The Bestigor Sergeants are looking menacing already:Mantic's...

No Mercy for the Masses

The Lost and the Damned reach critical mass.Superstorm Sandy took away my electricity, so I passed the daylight hours building models.  The result:That's about 400 Lost and the Damned models, including tons of plague zombies, four full IG blob squads, fifteen...

Monster Mash!

All kinds of converted Lost and the Damned models!With Frankenstorm mere moments from severing my connection to the blogosphere, I thought I would throw out a WIP update on my current progress.  The Daemon Prince above is the completed Decimator project I began...

Tyranid Attack!!

Old school Tyranids with a crayola-colored paint scheme, as seen with the panoramic setting in the new ios.  I have yet to really take decent pictures of this army, probably because this was my first foray into painting miniatures.  It's not so pretty, as I...