by Dan S | Dec 8, 2015
So, in order to clear the decks a bit and prepare for a new era of hobby productivity, I decided to clear out the workshop under the house. Now when we first rented this house, I saw the workshop as a bonus, lots of space for hobby, a reasonable bench and electrics....
by Dan S | Nov 18, 2015
The 2015 New Zealand Warhammer Fantasy Masters will be held on 5/6 December. 12 players [EDIT: now likely 9/10 :(], 6 games, 2400 pts, ETC comp. It promises to be a tournament in limbo for two reasons. The tournament calendar has been relatively sparse...
by Dan S | Nov 9, 2015
Hey there, I’ve invited myself along as Paint Hammer’s (really) Southern correspondent. While I’m not on the same painting/hobby level as the rest of the excellent contributors to this blog, I do hope to add the different perspective of a relatively recent...