A Brutal ForgeDar Mech List at 1500

A Brutal ForgeDar Mech List at 1500

Here is a list that I wrote recently when I found out Hornets got buffed. I have run a variant of this, but with the Hornet changes that list dropped so much in points that I could fit in a lot more potency.HQFarseer - Jetbike, Mantle of the Laughing GodTroops5 Dire...

Jetbike LoLtarch Conversion (WIP)

This is a project I started a long time ago and just never got around to finishing. What held me up was annoyance at having to redo how he attaches to the bike. His left foot binds to a magnet in the hood, but instead of a magnet I had originally put a pair of...
NagoyaHammer 2014

NagoyaHammer 2014

Things have been really busy this year and I've only recently been able to squeeze hobbying back into my schedule, but rather than harp on that let's talk about NagoyaHammer 2014 and how much it will suck if you miss out on the awesomeness. NagoyaHammer is the big...
On Playin Slayin: a Guide to…Slayin

On Playin Slayin: a Guide to…Slayin

(Formatting note: I wrote this guide in Google Drive and optimizing it for Blogger would be very unfortunately problematic. If you find it unreadable, please let me know in the comments, but otherwise I'm going to leave it as is.)If you haven’t already played it,...