Welcome to Wargaming Weekend – Back at Craftworld My’house

Welcome to Wargaming Weekend – Back at Craftworld My’house

Well I'm back home after an astonishing and astonishingly tiring weekend. The Wargamers in Japan event, Welcome to Wargaming, was a huge success with a lot of attendees. We had people playing napoleonic games, Space Hulk, Magic: The Gathering, Necromunda, Warmachine...
Publishing Weekend Followed by Welcome to Wargaming Weekend

Publishing Weekend Followed by Welcome to Wargaming Weekend

This weekend I finally published my children's book to Smashwords. It took a while to write, draw, paint and compile the thing. Still, it might have taken even longer to register for the international book numbers I needed to publish it how I wanted to. I'll post some...

Rumors: Space Marine Photo Dump

Here is a collection of all the new Space Marine photos I could scrounge up. Many of them came from Dakka and others from Pins of War, where you can find these photos of Tac Marines and Sternguard that I can't seem to steal shamelessly.For my part, I'm none to...

Changes to my Blogs and What’s to Come

I have a lot coming up in the near future and in preparation of it all, I have decided to finally link my Blogger account with my Google+. So, nice to meet you, I'm Dan. Were I still only going to be writing 2d6D, I don't think I would link them, but it's all or...