Warhammer World (part 3) – Fort Pain Carnage

Warhammer World (part 3) – Fort Pain Carnage

My friend and I had decided that we wanted to get as many as our models on to a table as possible. With this in mind we booked the Fort Pain 12ft x 6ft gaming table. As you can see below the scenery and level of detail is stunning. It was a privilege to play on such a...
Warhammer World (Part 1)

Warhammer World (Part 1)

Over the weekend of 26th July a friend and I visited Warhammer World in Nottingham for a weekend of dice rolling and catching up. Over the coming week I will be making 3 or 4 posts about various aspects of the trip. Needless to say we had a great time; rolled many...
WIP: Legion Praetor

WIP: Legion Praetor

I'm heading over to Warhammer World this weekend and in preparation I have been varnishing and weathering my troops. Alongside that activity I have been casually working on one of the awesome Legion Praetors which I picked up a few months back.I think any 'generic'...


So tonight I got to play my first game of 40K using Vassal. What is Vassal? Well, Vassal is a game engine for building and playing online adaptations of board games and card games... including 40K. After spending about 45 minutes figuring out how to use the...