6 Months In…

6 Months In…

After recently completing my Imperial Knight, and after a busy June, I am taking the chance to have a break from hobbying. I will be heading to Warhammer World in a couple of weeks for a boys weekend of beer, herecy and rolling dice but until then I doubt I will do...
Imperial Knight – Done!

Imperial Knight – Done!

So it has taken a while, most of June in fact, but I have finally completed my Imperial Knight. I'm really happy with how he has turned out however I strongly believe that the model is of such a high quality that its much more difficult to do a bad job than a good...
WIP4: Imperial Knight – Weapons & Shoulder Plates Done!

WIP4: Imperial Knight – Weapons & Shoulder Plates Done!

He is starting to come together! As you can see, the weapons and shoulder plates are now complete. I'm really happy with the standard of the painting that I've managed to achieve on this unit so far... however I'm a bit annoyed with how the decals have turned out on...
WIP3: Imperial Knight – Legs Done!

WIP3: Imperial Knight – Legs Done!

Its taken me a week or short, but often painting sessions to complete the lower section of my Imperial Knight. Not much to really say as I've uploaded a few photos of where I currently am at with the model. I think I will focus on the weapons next, then the shoulder...