WIP2: Imperial Knight

WIP2: Imperial Knight

Change of plan!So, after seeing the below photo on Facebook I became intrigued with the idea of painting my Knight in my Space Marine chapter colours. Originally I wasn't a fan of this idea due to fluff reasons, however, the visual impression that the below photo had...
WIP1: Imperial Knight!!

WIP1: Imperial Knight!!

This epic bad boy has been sitting on my shelf for what seems like an eternity! After I used the painting of the Hunter/Stalker (a Christmas Present from my awesome other half) as motivation to spur me on with the completion of my older unpainted models, the Imperial...
Heavy Support: Hunter!

Heavy Support: Hunter!

Not far off 6 months after unwrapping this model on Christmas Day I am finally able to present the completed Hunter anti-air unit. I used this unit as a motivator to help push me to complete my older units (I wouldn't allow myself to build/paint this unit until the...
GW: London!

GW: London!

So I recently had to attend a meeting in London and had some free time afterwards. What better than to sample some beers and visit some of the GW stores in central London! My first port of call was the GW store in Covent Garden.This is probably the most unique GW...
GW Barcelona!

GW Barcelona!

So I recently went on a bloody awesome holiday to Barcelona. Being the true nerd that I am, a trip to the local GW was on my list of things to go... along side visiting the Nou Camp & La Sagrada Familia.After roaming the streets for hours we finally happened upon...