Dedicated Transport: Rhino

Dedicated Transport: Rhino

I managed to get this bad boy painted over a weekend. As you can see I have used the Raptor Forgeworld modification kit. I think it looks pretty awesome and was a pleasure to paint now that I've modified my technique to take further advantage of my Airbrush.The below...
Troops: 3rd Tactical Squad

Troops: 3rd Tactical Squad

My final Tactical Squad is now done! This is my 3rd squad of Marines and is my 4th troops choice along side my squad of Scout Snipers. Following on from my Command Squad on which I used the airbrush, I used the same technique for these guys... which meant I have been...
Warhammer World Trip Booked!

Warhammer World Trip Booked!

Last December a friend and I met up at Warhammer World for a day of gaming. He lives in the north of England and I live in the south west so Nottingham is more or less half way for us so is perfect for when we can get weekend passes from our other halves to go and...
Progress Update

Progress Update

So after finishing my final troops choice I figured I should get all my painted models out to see what my force looks like on the table. My completed units total up to around 2400 points! Not bad progress for under 6 months of work.I still have lots to of models to...
HQ: Command Squad

HQ: Command Squad

Following on from the Devastator Centurions, next up is the Command Squad which Bob gave me as part of his Space Marine donation at the beginning of last year. I painted this unit in a slightly different manner to my previous Space Marine troops in that I used my...