Heavy Support: Centurions

Heavy Support: Centurions

Today I want to present pictures of my recently completed Devastator Centurions. These models have been on my hobby desk for about 3 weeks but I recently managed to sit down, put in a good shift and get them finished. I hope you enjoy how they turned out!This is the...

Becoming One With The Hobby

Immersing ones self into this hobby of ours is a wonderful, but also potentially hazardous journey. Let me explain... so, as mentioned previously in my post about painting progress, momentum and how easy it can be to get bogged down, I feel that there is a huge...
Work Station 2: The Return of the Killer Work Station

Work Station 2: The Return of the Killer Work Station

So I recently wrote an article about Work Stations. I mentioned that I would be 'upgrading' my set up; following a recent trip to Ikea I am happy to show my new and improved work station.I now have a sexy chair, very good spot light and a nice big A3 cutting mat. To...
Bonus Time!!

Bonus Time!!

Thanks to a very productive year at work I have quite a nice bonus to spend on hobbying this month. After hitting Forge World and my local GW store here in Bath I am happy to show off the new additions to my army!In this picture you can see a Storm Raven, a Storm...
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

Another week, another unit to complete. This week it's the turn of my Drop Pod. I am rather fortunate to have the opportunity to complete this model as it was very nearly smashed into a thousands pieces by a dozy school kid at Warhammer World (you should have seen the...