Heavy Support: Thunderfire Cannon and Techmarine

Heavy Support: Thunderfire Cannon and Techmarine

My latest project has been finishing off my Thunderfire Cannon and painting up the accompanying  Techmarine. I picked this model up at Games Day (UK) 2014 during what can only be described as a biblical shopping spree which reduced my credit card to tears. I...
Heavy Support: Predator

Heavy Support: Predator

Another unit kindly provided by Bob, the Machine Spirit guiding this tank isn't very happy with me (or should I say- it wasn't!). Having managed to break off both Sponson mounted Las-Cannons my only battle tank wasn't in a suitable state to be painted up and take it...
Getting On Top And Staying There

Getting On Top And Staying There

Whilst enjoying a lazy afternoon browsing t'interwebz I read this article which is centred on how easy it can be to feel the pressure of a hobbying 'to do' list. This struck a cord with me as I found the very same experience very suffocating when I re-entered the...