Updates this weekend….

This weekend expecting to do a major step on my own game (including a retitle), also hoping to see another squad completed for the Alpha Legion army.For more detailed updates keep an eye on the twitter feed

Squires Dice re-enters play testing

A quick update from me. Alpha LegionBeen going a bit slower due to other projects (see below) but I've still managed a little building and painting. Another marine rolled off the production line today. Also I've finally built Armilus Dynat.Squires DiceMajor progress...

Alpha Legion – Army So Far

Some slightly better pictures of the Heresy era Alpha Legion models I have so far.Aurilion Skoor - Delegatus Veteran Squad with Heavy BolterClose-Combat Contemptor Dreadnought

Change is coming…..

A quick update to let you all know that a bit of a revamp is coming.We Are Many.....Last time I mentioned maybe one more test model. We I did, it wnnt well, then I went to the fw open day and basically handed over my wallet!What's all this leading too? Well in short...