New Games

It's been a while but its about time I gave an update. The armies are under control... ish, Right now though Too Many Games might be a better title!Horus HeresyWe've been getting a lot of good games in at the games club. My Iron warrior have had mixed success. The...

New Projects for 2015

2015 begins and so too do new project ide....... wait... no ... comeback!!Ok, we've seen it all before,  "New Year, New aims etc etc".   Well this isn't fully one of those updates.  Some of these plans are already well underway its just now is a...
Daemons of the past

Daemons of the past

Thought I'd take the opportunity to upload a few daemons I've painted over the last couple of years. These two models represent some of my best successes with what I consider my weakest areas of painting: flesh blending!GW's herald. This is probably the model I'm most...
Space Krell

Space Krell

The latest development is that it seems at long last my hunt for a 30K / Horus Heresy army has taken a massive step forward.I'm presently painting up a test model for the armies general and I'm doing it in Imperial Fist colours.So a word about the model.  He's a...
Too Many Armies! 2014-03-16 04:31:00

Too Many Armies! 2014-03-16 04:31:00

"So..... what's the deal, been painting? got any new models to show?"Dam right I do! First up is the now painted Thousand Sons Sorcerer that was previously detailed. Very pleased with how he came out!  For details on how I built him, check out the earlier...