Pink Orcs Painting Studio

Pink Orcs Painting Studio

Pink Orcs Painting Studio has reopened its doors!Things have kicked of wonderfully with this great example of the Nurgle Daemon Prince.  Want this professionally painted model?  You can buy it here on ebay!  Alternatively if you want to commission a...
Thousand Son Marines

Thousand Son Marines

I'll be brief and get to the good stuff..... I've just finished putting together the prototype for one of my Thousand Marine squad.   He's a heavy kit bash and designed to look very much like and automaton.Bits:Base - Micro Art Studio, (I forget...
Tzeentch Marines …. and we’re back!

Tzeentch Marines …. and we’re back!

So its been a while,  and I've got two choices here.  1) Ramble on about how I've been busy and planning to post more now etc etc etc.  Or, 2) Just summaries by saying my current army of choice is a new 40K Tzeentch Marine army and crack right one with...

More Pink Orcs

The Pink Orcs Painting Studio now has a new home:

Allied Detachments

This week I've been putting some time into a couple of allied detachments. As well as fulfilling the strategic role they are also giving me an opportunity to regain some momentum on my painting.Between tests with my Daemons, Crusade Era Blood Angels and Grey Knights;...