Chaos Sorcerer Conversion – Plastic Kitbash

Chaos Sorcerer Conversion with Wings!I've been wanted to convert a plastic Chaos Sorcerer for a while now but didn't seem to have the inspiration until recently. This beast is actually very simple to kitbash! The legs, arms and gun are from the new Raptor kit, the...

Storm Reavers Chaos Helbrute Painted

Storm Reavers Chaos HelbruteMeet Varea Metalla, the newest painted member of the Storm Reavers warband (see here for the army background). I've only been taking him in bigger games lately as he tends to die quickly unless the opponent has other threats to focus on,...

40k Kill Team Rules v1.6 Update – New look, DA team list

The next update to Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team is here, and with a shiny new look. This look isn't restricted to the main rules either, I'll be rolling it out to all the team lists soon. For now, you can check out the new Dark Angels team lists to get a feel for it....

Blood Angels Army Background Document

Bit of a random one today. I thought I'd share a little background document I've been working on today for my Blood Angels army. I've added the screenshots below, but you can download the PDF here (its only 6 pages). I'm planning to spend time on each of my armies...

Norse Blood Bowl Team Converted and Painted

I love Blood Bowl, but haven't played for many years (since Uni). So when I got the chance to pick it up again, I jumped at an opportunity to re-create my original Norse team. Only this time I thought I'd convert up some...