Blood Angels 3000pts Painted Army Photo Dump

Its been a long time coming, but I've finally taken photos of the completed army. Over 3000 points of Blood Angels. This is my first time taking photos with a swanky SLR so quality may be dodgy (probably due to the flash, more probably due to my lack of knowledge),...

Kill Team Rules Update 1.2!

Lots of cool additions in v1.2 of the Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team ruleset, thanks in part to the feedback we have received from our readers and over at the Dakka Dakka forum. Lots of tweaks, and a redesigned Kill Team Mission:Download...

Blood Angels Vindicator and Land Speeder Painted

Blood Angels Vindicator and Land SpeederAnother couple of vehicles done! A good session this coming weekend and we'll have a fully painted army. Just in time for the Chaos codex to come out and me to start another one!Here's a closer look at the Siege...

Blood Angels Assault Squad Tanis Painted

Another squad in the bag.Blood Angels Assault Squad Tanis1 more squad and 3 vehicles left until completion! Can't wait to get a group shot of my entire army now.Now I'm off to play some DoW Retribution :-D, no idea why I suddenly have the urge to play that...

KR Multicase Kaiser2 Case and Bag Review

I received my Kaiser2 bag from KR Multicase this week and wanted to post a very quick review. Before I delve into the product itself, I just want to say I ordered it on Monday and received the bag on Wednesday. That is lightning quick for free delivery!The BagThe bag...