Blood Angels Baal Predators Painted and Weathered

Had a day off, so thought I'd finish up my Baal Predators with some weathering and a spray varnish:Blood Angels Baal Predators - Painted and WeatheredI now have to research how to get Purity Seal off my hands...Darth Meer

First Steps Into Weathering Powders

My 3000 point Blood Angels collection is nearing full-on completion, with almost everything fully painted. There is, however, one thing that I have been putting off for a few years now. Weathering. For some reason I've always been scared of dirtying up the minis I've...

Lizardmen Progress: Skinks and Campaign Markers Painted

More Lizardmen progress today! 20 Skinks have now been painted. As 5 point models, they sure are a lot of work to paint. These two units of 10 will be used as cheap redirectors, and to surprise the enemy with quick-to-fire Javelins when they leave...

Lizardmen Progress: Temple Guard and Saurus Painted

Quick painting progress update for my purple Lizardmen today, along with some quick phone photos. Finished the first 10 of both my Temple Guard and Saurus units. I'm painting in multiples of 10 because I tend to get depressed...