Minotaurs Colour Scheme Part 2 (Plus Weathering)

Grabbed a pot of Sycorax Bronze this week and tried a different scheme for my minotaurs. The model on the left is the previous scheme with Hashut Copper, the model on the right is the latest scheme with Sycorax Bronze:What do people think? Which one looks better?...

Minotaurs Colour Scheme With New GW Paints

Now my Blood Angels are finally nearing completion, and 6th edition is on the way, I'm thinking it's time to start thinking about a new 40k army! Now I cant actually afford to buy an army straight off (and don't want to - will need to get used to the new rules, etc....

Shameless eBay Pimpage

Yes, I'm going to be one of those nobber guys and shamelessly pimp some stuff I'm selling on eBay. There's not much, just a few bits and bobs. I usually do a clear out every 6 months or so,...