by Daryl Dudey | Jun 17, 2013
Warning: This post will meander and may not even come to a conclusion!I had my first game with the new Eldar codex on Thursday and lost to a Necron list. I can't remember the exact list but it was Imotekh/Immortals/Night Scythes/Annihilator barges. It was a bad...
by Daryl Dudey | Jun 6, 2013
I've painted up a few new models for my Alaitoc Eldar. I've done 3 Jetbikes, 2 Vypers (the models are old but great) and a Crimson Hunter. I know Vypers and possibly the CH are a little fragile and difficult to play but I've had some thoughts.Firstly, how about...
by Daryl Dudey | Jun 3, 2013
I've dug my Eldar out and blown off the cobwebs. I've taken a handful of photos for posterity so they are here. Unfortunately I took absolutely no notice of Andrew's very good article on here about photography, so I apologise now for the poor quality! :-)It's mainly a...
by Daryl Dudey | May 31, 2013
To say I'm excited about the new Eldar codex is an understatement. There are two things that attracted me (back) to 40K: Chaos and Eldar. Both have great imagery, although I've always thought that Chaos could be so much more - rather than spiky marines, let's have...
by Daryl Dudey | Apr 14, 2013
I had a great game against Grazer yesterday at Warhammer World. Dave (Smokey D) was also there having a great time playing a 200pts Kill Team campaign, but I'm sure he'll want to talk about that himself!I lost my game, but it was an interesting test of my...