8th Edition and ANGRY MARINES

Fine 40k players, its been an age.  Seven years to be precise.  I haven't played Warhammer 40k since my career high of winning Best Sportsman at the Nova Open in 2011 - the crowning achievement of my Warhammer career. I poked around in 6th edition, but...


     The very first thing I did upon deciding to jump back into the hobby was to purchase the new Ork Codex.  Bear in mind that I'm still hazy on post-5th Edition rules, so correct me where I'm wrong, but let's jump into this particular rant. ...
7th Edition, First Impressions

7th Edition, First Impressions

I went up to my FLGS today to do some re-learning of Warhammer 40k, and perused my shiny new Ork Codex!   Keep in mind that I skipped 6th edition, so I'm really drawing parallels between 5th Edition and 7th Edition.  Observations and questions below, and...
A Dash of Ork

A Dash of Ork

Greetings one and all! While I haven't picked up a model or played a game since 2012 in the prime of 5th Edition, I haven't forgotten about the hobby.  To the contrary, I put down models and the competitive aspect of Warhammer to immerse myself in the universe....