Hand of the Empire Campaign Log

This week we'll be catching up on all this blogging stuff - or at least we'll try.  Last weekend we finished our latest campaign, and though we didn't do well at recording it in real time we do have a log!  We're back in the pit again!Tales of the...

Heroes of the Sword Coast (Session 7)

This session was orignally recorded 3/8/2015.From the Journal of Lydia the Halfling8:05After defeating the dragon, we decide to go to our home and rest for the night before we head to the Cragmaw Keep.  On our way, we stop at Neverwinter....

Introduction to Miniature Painting, Lesson 5

Lesson 5 - Detailing IAfter finishing the basecoat and drybrush on our Goblin Archers, it was time to start showing techniques for bringing out the details of the models.  Keeping it simple should be a priority if you're just beginning, and these models had...

Heroes of the Sword Coast (Session 6)

This session was orignally recorded 2/22/2015.From the Journal of Lydia the Halfling5:40Back in the town of Phandalin, Zinge decides to go find the things required to summon his familiar and the rest of us go to stay at the inn.6:30The next day we head out toward...

Can You Feel the Hand…of the Empire?

It's finally time!Star Wars has arrived, and with it has come all sorts of awesomeness.  This season, we present a nested campaign for the Galactic Civil War.  Star Wars Roleplaying Game D20 Revised forms the RPG basis for our campaign, but...