D&D Realms: Mystara – The Known World

For the record, we are talking about the Known World...the Hollow World will get it's own discussion.The Dungeons & Dragons game has a great many settings.  More than a few of them are what we'd call "generic" style fantasy, meaning there's not really...

Heroes of the Sword Coast (Session 2)

This session was orignally recorded 1/11/2015.From the Journal of Lydia the Halfling6:00We find a human in the cave that tells us Gundran Rockseeker has been taken by the goblins to Cragmaw Castle.  We decide to take him back to the town with us.  As we head...

Circle of Stones

"Behold, ye losers,"  cried the witch, "flowers!"Our Circle of Stones started life as a small model box bought from Hastings at the checkout.  I think it was meant to be one of those Zen garden style things.  It had puzzle pieces forming a decorative...

Heroes of the Sword Coast (Session 1)

It's been a while since we updated the RPG Sessions.  We'll catch up over the next week or so, but we've not been idle.  This session was originally played on 01/04/2015 and began our 5th Edition gaming!It all starts with a keg of beer.Actually,...

Bones II Unboxing

Our long awaited Bones II miniatures from the Reaper Mini KickStarter have finally arrived!We are happy to support Reaper and all the cool stuff they have been doing on KickStarter, and the club has been behind every single one.  Today we have a video of wild...