The Face of Mystara, Part II Campaign Log

Welcome, adventurers, to the second part of our grand tour across Mystara!  We've changed the format of the site, and we're changing the format for the adventure logs as well.  We might play with a few different models in the coming seasons, but it's all...

Decos’ Wretched Plight (Session 4)

These notes are originally from 12.09.2014.A More Aggressive IncursionAs the party returned to the tunnels, they encounter some kobolds attacking from the shadows. The Men from The North are not surprised, quickly cutting the scaly lil' beast down.  Pushing...

Scatter Bases: Seasonal Trees

"Nock those arrows but quick, knaves - or the gobs will have our wenches for their pleasures!"I really enjoy "area terrain".  By that, I mean I like to base terrain abstractly on a base sometimes.  Less clutter to fiddle with.  "True" line-of-sight is...

The Face of Mystara, Part II (Session 5)

These notes are originally from 11.30.2014.After an epic battle, accompanied by the blue dragon Magarastu, the group releases the Warlock Charlie Sheen's friend - a lich.  Upon being released, the undead sorcerer pulls a glowing orb from his cloak and shoves it...

Krampustag 2014!!

Well, much like the last few years, the Wargate's Feast of Krampus occurred once again this year!  The 4th Annual Krampusfest went over so awesome...we totally forgot to take pictures!!  Who's responsible for this??  They shall be flogged!! Wait a...