The Face of Mystara, Part II (Session 3)

The Face of Mystara, Part II (Session 3)

From the Journal of Alexandria Postoak5:24The group goes to the Minrothad Guildhouse to try and hire a navigator.5:28The guild tells the party that it would be 2000 gold coins to buy a charter and that it would be several months.  Blanith asks the small guild man...
Introduction to Miniature Painting, Lesson 3

Introduction to Miniature Painting, Lesson 3

Our 10-part introduction to miniature painting continues this week with our last session.  Our students are starting to churn out some really nice stuff for the club!  By the time this is over, they will have lots of practice under their belts - enough to...
Articulations from Arthur – Alignment Change

Articulations from Arthur – Alignment Change

King Arthur returns from all sorts of misadventure across Mystara, as both a DM and a player.  He wanted to share this with everyone, after some of those hijinks nearly introduced him to the TPK.  As his discovery of gaming in general is really just...
Update:  Decos’ Wretched Plight (Session 2)

Update: Decos’ Wretched Plight (Session 2)

In Through the Out DoorThe inner door erupts as the looters run out of the burning, collapsing outpost.  A flurry of missed blows later, several of the party are incapacitated - but the roof crushes in on the party's foes, finishing them off and preventing...
Update:  The Face of Mystara, Part II (Session 2)

Update: The Face of Mystara, Part II (Session 2)

From Left to RightThe party, faced with the jaws of so many dragons on the Isle of Dread, elect to seek brighter fortunes elsewhere.  The Drake sets sail for Thyatis City, where they arrive in 15 days with no misfortune.  Everyone is surprised.Over the...