Can You Lend Me a Han?

Can You Lend Me a Han?

Today's report is just in from a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.  Star Wars is coming in force to the Wargate, and X-Wing by Fantasy Flight Games is pretty much single-handedly responsible for overturning the club's aversion to Star Wars!...
Little Wars Adelaide

Little Wars Adelaide

Today's article is a photo-fest brought to you by our own Drew Stearman, our correspondent from Australia.  A little over a week ago, Drew attended a convention in his home of Adelaide, South Australia and took lots of photos for us to check out the proceedings!...
Rulebook Ruminations:  Dungeons & Dragons Basic

Rulebook Ruminations: Dungeons & Dragons Basic

Earlier this month, the Dungeons & Dragons Basic Rules for what is essentially 5th Edition is up for download at the Wizards of the Coast website.  Seems like a great time to talk about the actual rules we are using right now at the Wargate, which...
Explore the Face of Mystara!

Explore the Face of Mystara!

We're a few sessions into the new Dungeons & Dragons Basic game, and already we're managed to change a few of the club's perceptions about D&D, potentially changing several of our fundamental approaches to gaming across the board.  The schedule has...
Clan Strife:  Island of Lies Campaign Log

Clan Strife: Island of Lies Campaign Log

Island of LiesClan Strife Campaign 2014Sea of Lord Sun, 1170-1199 (Isawa Calendar)Yogo Satsu was a unique leader among the Scorpion Clan.  He chose life at sea instead of the shadowy intrigue of the mainland, and soon many bushi from several clans joined the crew...