Legend of the Five Rings:  The Long Road Campaign Log

Legend of the Five Rings: The Long Road Campaign Log

Today's campaign log comes directly from Dungeon Lord Skim, who has crafted a Legend of the Five Rings adventure to fill some down time and dovetail with Clan Strife.  Big thanks to Skim for taking the helm of the table for a few weeks, and for the awesome tale...
Dread Mandate Campaign Log

Dread Mandate Campaign Log

The Abyssinia, Imperial Chartist Vessel within Deep EmpyreanThree months ago (Standard Time), the Abyssinia left the fleet at Lucruzu Primus to travel to the planet Kelphis in the Incendia Paeniteo subsector of Mardannon in response to a plea for aid.  Inquisitor...
Legend of the Five Rings and Clan Strife

Legend of the Five Rings and Clan Strife

Clan Strife is new to the Wargate, but we're starting to have a lot of fun with it!  The Ronin ruleset is very flexible, and we've been able to add a lot of material on the Clan Strife blogspot.  We're setting up some nifty project logs to go...
Maintaining Momentum

Maintaining Momentum

It's been a rough few weeks.  The antics of GW has actually presented a lull in enthusiasm, and while we've worked to reach a solution that's amicable with everyone attendance at these meetings has dropped dramatically.  The way we perceive GW has changed...
Anticipating "Next"…?

Anticipating "Next"…?

"Settle down there, Gloryblaze - have a Snickers."As the seasons change, so too do the editions of these various games we play.  In many cases, we (as fans) can react poorly to these changes, especially with Dungeons & Dragons.  There's just something...