And Now, A Word From Fekul-Hoof

Today's article comes from Jerry Wargate, who recently won (again) our Warhammer Fantasy Battle campaign The Brightflow Gap.  Jerry's done well recently in our campaigns, and his armies are one of the main reasons the Wargate is such a horrible place, filled...
The Toropets-Kholm Offensive

The Toropets-Kholm Offensive

It's early January, 1942 here at the Wargate.  We've been schlepping tanks to the Eastern Front for a while now, and just yesterday signed off on a huge transfer of men and equipment that will take the war all the way into the next phase.  Yes, it's Flames...
The Brightflow Gap Campaign Log

The Brightflow Gap Campaign Log

The Brightflow GapThe Wargate Season 3 2013The Brightflow Gap Campaign MapMitterfruhl 3, 2526 I.C. - The Spring EquinoxOver the last year, the dwarfs in the Grey Mountains have fought and lost a horrible war.  Greystone Pass is lost to his malicious whims of...
Creating Wargame Campaigns

Creating Wargame Campaigns

Greetings once again, everyone.  Today's post will deal with methodology once again, but this time we're going to focus on one of the integral pieces of the Wargate:  the wargame campaign.  We have more of these every year than any other event, and I...
1992 Imperial Firebase

1992 Imperial Firebase

 It's time for another Terrain Log!  Today we're taking a look at another of the card buildings released for Warhammer 40,000, the Imperial Firebase!  As I went over in another entry, Jerry Wargate grabbed us two of the old plastic bulkhead and card...