Flames of War Army Types

Flames of War Army Types

It's almost Flames of War season once again, and in the next few weeks we'll be gearing up for The Toropets-Kholm Offensive!  We made our first steps into campaigning in this WWII game last year, and it was a huge hit.  We're excited about hitting the...
Army Briefing:  Provincial Defenders of Wissenland

Army Briefing: Provincial Defenders of Wissenland

Provincial DefendersOfWissenlandBy Chief Scrivener HannanWissenland, 2523 I.C.During the last months of 2522 I.C., a horrible disaster occurred on the border of Wissenland.  In the Grey Mountains, a dwarf enclave called Khazid Grimaz fell to the machinations of...
Texas Chapter Raises It’s Banner!

Texas Chapter Raises It’s Banner!

Today, we are pleased to announce the formation of a new Chapter of the Wargate in a neighboring state!  The Texas Chapter is helmed by The WarSmith, and he has submitted a short report on what's been happening in their neck of the woods.  The entire club is...
The Free City of Dallas

The Free City of Dallas

We're back in the World of Darkness this month with a new campaign for Mage:  The Awakening.  Set in Dallas, Texas, this modern day chronicle of modern sorcery will form the cornerstone of the campaign setting.  We'll be using this paradigm going...

1992 Imperial Bastion

Today we're going to talk about some awesome gear Jerry Wargate donated to us earlier this year.  Of course, we're not talking about it when it was done, because I'm really slow at doing this Terrain Log.  However, in keeping with our plodding pace, we'll...