The Battle of the Brightflow Gap Begins!

Magister Lord Sagan, Celestial WizardIt's time again!A new Warhammer Fantasy Battle season is upon us, and this one is packed with more awesome than ever!  We've incorporated several changes in the way we'll be playing campaigns going forward, based on...

Bleak Pilgrimage Campaign Log

Bleak Pilgrimage2013 Season 2Warhammer 40,000 CampaignArtax System, Vae Salubrious SubsectorThe Great and Powerful Warboss Nokk, the Ineffable Gullet, is an accomplished Black Skull Ork raider captain.  His meks have just finished his ships on the planet Tangrus...

Reaper Miniatures: Digging Through the Bones!

Last week, we got our Kickstarter pledge from Reaper Miniatures' Bones.  We had a blast opening it up, and we even posted a video over at the new Facebook page.  We're going to be adding features on prominent miniature companies, including Reaper and...

Warmachine Unit Types: Battle Engines and Colossals

Welcome back to the Gate!This season is our third Warmachine campaign, marking a full three years we've been pursuing armies here at the club!  As you might know, we don't really stay with the trendsetters as we're really just too caught up in our own...

D&D Realms: Dragonlance Adventures

Some twenty-odd years ago, I entered the library in the small Missouri community where I had just recently moved.  It was the first place I visited - I moved around a lot at the time, and was young so pretty much lost all my friends every time we moved.  The...