Terrain Log: Cityfight Barricades

Today we're going to look at a piece that languished in the vault here at the Wargate for quite some time before someone dug it out and painted it.  It's a set of Games Workshop Urban Barricades and Walls for Warhammer 40,000 that we obtained shortly after...

The Iron Kingdoms: Mercenaries

The Mercenaries of the Iron Kingdoms conduct war as a trade in an open market.  Primarily making their homes to the north of Cygnar in the small kingdom of Ord, Mercenaries are a facet of everyday life in Western Immoren.  A code as old as the Iron Kingdoms...

The Journal of Matius Gellantara, Part I (Dragons of Despair)

This journal was kept during actual play by Matius Gellantara's player, the honorable Emerald Wulfe.  He kept a fantastic log for the module that we wanted to share with everyone.  Not only is it a more detailed journal than our campaign log allows, but it...

The Iron Kingdoms: Protectorate of Menoth

The followers of a vengeful god have created a haven for themselves in Western Immoren.  Menoth, the True Creator of Man, has called forth his chosen.  In recent times, followers of the True Faith have heard the call of the Creator and migrated en masse to...

Terrain Log: 40k Manufactorum

Today we have another piece from the Jerry Wargate collection.  This is a Games Workshop Manufactorum, the kit for which can be had from their online store.  Our building here was actually part of an Imperial Sector that Jerry obtained second-hand and...