Greyhawk Adventures Log, Part I

The first part of our AD&D 1e campaign has passed, and the death toll is the highest one ever at the Wargate.  We mourn our passed characters, and honor them with a position in the Death Roll...but the Death Roll waxes heavy with the slain.  This leg of...

Terrain Log: Brown World Temple

Quick post today!We've been finishing up a bangload of terrain this month, and I've not showcased some of the more recent pieces we've added to the collection.  Today I want to talk about Games Workshop's Arcane Ruins!  We got these painted and on the table...

The Last Charge of the Ralpar

A glimpse of the true power in the Temple of Elemental Evil.The elemental towered over them all.  After the charge hit it, the thing barely moved.  One of the Stubbs looked incredulously at his powerful magic blade - it barely managed a scratch.  They...

Rulebook Ruminations: 6th Edition Marine Codeci

Well, we've been in 6th Edition for about 7 months now.  We've only had our head in the actual game for about a month now with the campaign grinding on, but today I want to talk about the two newest Warhammer 40,000 codeci:  the "flagship" marines for 6th...

House Ralpar

Today's post is by Jerry Wargate, who regales us with the tales of the elf-lords of the Gnarley Forest...Ruros, First Born.First Son of Ralpar, Lord of the North Umber, Ruros was raised in the last light of the once majestic circle of elvish royalty. Pushing away the...