Imperial Assault Campaign Begins!

Greetings all!I've been falling behind this week, but here's an attempt to catch up to everything.  This last week, our campaigns ended and the new schedule begins for 2013!Why do we change schedules every six months?  Can't we get it together?Well, the...

The Greystone Pass War Campaign Log

This year's Warhammer Fantasy Battle campaign is over!  The complete log follows, along with the narratives that occur in the aftermath.  Next season begins July 1st, 2013!!  Also, this is post #200 for the Wargate!Nachexen 13, 2526 I.C. - The New...

The Death Roll

What a long haul it's been!Over two years ago we started a trend in our gaming club that remains one of the most popular features.  It's widely known that the games we run aren't shy about putting characters in the ground, and one of the most solemn and final...

Terrain Log: Fantasy Village

Welcome to Hatesville. Earlier this year, the club's benefactors appropriated this awesome village from a caster in the UK.  I'm not sure what the brand name is, or if there even is one.  The caster no longer has these sets available, but they did have...

T-34 Tank Corps, 600 Points

T-34 Squadron and Company Commander (signaling).I've decided not to do briefings like our other forces for the Flames of War armies.  There's enough going on about the Great War I felt I'd just leave the history pretty much own army having little in...