D&D Realms: Greyhawk Adventures

It's been since 1997 that I've gotten a chance to run a game on the Oerth.  Our group here, for the last month, has been based in the village of Hommlett in the Kron Hills - doing that thing you do when you're in Hommlett.  Though it's been quite some time,...

Krampusfest 2012!

A few of the revelers this fine Krampusfest!It's Krampusfest!The last couple of years, we've been celebrating this fine holiday at our games club.  It's a great excuse to gather together and have a feast!  It only makes it better that it's a giant hairy...

Fostering Familiarity

"So, now that we all completely trust one another with our lives..."Party dynamics is always a factor in any of these games we play.  It's important for the sustained suspension of disbelief that the player characters are as comfortable with each other as the...

The Eastern Front

The trenches at Stalingrad.The more I talk to people, the more I realize that the average person in America doesn't even know that a war was fought on the other side of Germany.  At least, that's the impression that I get.  Also, that the Soviets did the...

Greyhawk Adventure Time!

Well!  It's nice to be back in familiar territory once again.  Greyhawk Adventures was the first place many of us ever explored, and I must say it's the setting for D&D that's most familiar to me.  Sure, I had my love affairs with...