Imperial Crackdown Log and Finals!!

Imperial Crackdown2012 Necromunda CampaignThe Capital of Lucruzu Primus, Domagoshch.Lucruzu Primus, Vae Salubrious SubsectorThough it is the seat of much unrest in the past few years, Lucruzu Primus remains one of the more productive worlds in the sector.  It's...

Theaters & Eras

The Wargate opens to (there/here), (now/then).Flames of War is organized a little differently than most of the games we're used to playing.  Rather than having a centralized game / conflict with various manuals to cover the different factions in the game,...

Atlantean Adventure Log!

The Second Age(Spring in Lower Cimmeria)Lo it came to pass that the depradations of Ulgrim Ravenhair,an exceedingly evil Vanir Chieftain and practitioner of thedark arts, did fall on the People once again.For nine years the warriors of The Raven took as they wished....

The Eastern Front Opens on Moscow

"In this corner, we have..."Before anyone gets into a fit over the image I chose for this post, do yourself a favor and don't.I feel the need to add a disclaimer: We at the Wargate do not condone, revere or seek to sensationalize any of the real history of the War in...

Atlantean Age Hijinks!

What began as an impromptu session for a visiting friend has blossomed into a full blown campaign here at the Wargate!  Marky Mark has spent the last year or so preparing to give us a great game with Atlantis: The Second Age, and the group is not disappointed...