Boba Fett on a Floating Skiff

Dug up an old model and decided to finally give it a layer of paint. It's from West End Games, released in 1988.I wanted to do something a little different from my usual aggressive highlight and/or shadow contrasts, so I played more with layered light coats and...

Building Display Boards

My Midnight Court project was the first I've created a display board for, so I thought I'd walk through how I built it. Most of this is planning, cutting and gluing but I'll touch on a few unique supplies and techniques as well.If you'd like to see some details on how...

Creating Vlagorescu’s Black Water

When creating my black and white ghoul army display board, I wanted to have some water pools, but there was the question of "how?"I decided to use some of my old techniques for water and try a few new things. I'm really happy with how the dark water turned out.The...

Review – HC SVNT Dracones 3D Printed Miniatures

I've had the opportunity to review another company offering custom designed 3D printed miniatures and again, impressed at how the technology is coming along. You can either watch my full review on YouTube or keep reading for a text version.* Full disclosure, they...

Review – Hero Forge Custom Miniatures

I had a chance to review Hero Forge's new high quality Gray Plastic and was quite impressed. This is definitely the beginning of a new way to approach miniatures. You can either watch my full review on YouTube or keep reading for a text version.* Full disclosure, they...